A Real Gift

It just appeared in my bank account yesterday. . . sort of.  A deposit of $1170.40 was put into my savings account electronically in my name.  A similar deposit was made to our account in Kathy’s name.  Did anyone else have the same experience?

Alaskans all know what I’m writing about, it is the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend.  In fact, you may wonder why I should act surprised.  This has been happening now for about 30 years.  We almost take it for granted.  “What’s the big deal?”

Please consider this reaction.  This check that Alaskans get from oil profits because our constitution says that ‘the resources of Alaska belong to the people of Alaska’ is really a gift.  We did not work for this dividend.  We were not winners in a drawing.  People in other states do not have the same dividends.  Kathy and I did however submit an application for the Alaska Permanent Fund.  Five minutes or less on the computer last December and a deposit of $1170.40 was made in October.

So, do we take this gift for granted?  When she was healthy enough to worship regularly, St. John member June Liebing would stand up after worship in early service at Permanent Fund Dividend time and say.  “God made the earth.  The oil is in the earth.  My permanent fund dividend is a gift from God.”  Then she would also add, “I encourage you to give to the Lord from this gift from God.”  (June is now 90 years old and living in the Pioneer Home in Palmer.)  It is good to remember what is written in James 1.  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights (James 1:17)

But, this is not just true of permanent fund dividends.  On an even greater level the joy and hope of eternal life we enjoy is a gift of God’s love because of the sacrifice of Jesus.  We did nothing to earn this.  Even if we tried we could not have earned this gift of God.  He gives it to us freely when we believe in Jesus as our Savior from sin and death.

So, how do you respond to a gift?  The Psalmist simply says, Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)  Thankfulness is like faith.  Thanks comes from the heart and shows in our actions.

So, as you receive this gift of a permanent fund dividend, as you receive the greater gift of God’s love and eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus, do the actions of your life show thanks?


A Child of God, thankful for God’s undeserved love,

Pastor Jonathan Rockey

St. John Lutheran Church

Palmer, AK

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